CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Smooth water

A beautiful, bright summer day.

I dropped Eleanor off at the Church Cafe so that she could start cooking preparations. I went to Clatto Country Park to try out some manual settings in order to get a smooth water effect. I don't think I quite managed it since it was so bright - and warm! It still looked beautiful though. As I was leaving the Park I noticed a beautiful Dog Rose and couldn't help my self taking a photo, which can be seen either in the Extra Photo or here. I particularly like the way you can see the shadows of some stamen on the inside of the petals.

After a lovely lunch at the Cafe, which was very busy today, I had, I thought, three appointments for the Time to Talk session. Sadly, two didn't turn up, which made the Receptionists angry because they are 50 minute appointments which could see easily have been given to someone else. We do have a problem in this country, I think because people just take the availability of services for granted. Our Dentist now has a sliding scale of 'fines' for late arrival and a larger one for non attendance. Maybe it is time for Surgeries and Hospital Clinics to follow suit.

If you are having this great weather we are having - enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

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