Sunset light

I woke up not feeling great after a good sleep. I had a horrible headache and a blocked nose. It got better through the day though, so it must have been my hayfever.

The weather was gorgeous. It seems that summer has finally arrived in Edinburgh. When the sun shines in here, the atmosphere is great. I spent most of my day indoors working though. Work was busy.

After work I decided to go for just the one drink before heading home, which turned out to be a few drinks before heading home.... This is when I caught this beautiful sunset light. It was good to see a couple of friends I hadn't seen for a while! You can see them in my extra photos.

I decided against posting my blip last night because my brain was a bit muddled after those few drinks, and I wouldn't have made the right decision... hahaha! 

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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