
This is a very scruffy and floppy one ~~~~~~~~~ but it smells divine 
Extra blip pic of the lovely sweet williams my daughter bought for me to cheer me up~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and they did :-)

I have been emailing the NHS about how they thought it would be a good idea to scrap Coeliac 's having food prescriptions .
Coeliac is a disease that is why it is called CD. any other Disease warrants  treatment eh!   and the only treatment for CD is to eat the correct type of food eg: Gluten free !
If I were to carry on with gluten containing foods I would have a 70% more chance of getting bowel cancer . and that would cost the NHS a lot more than buying me some flour so my diet is kept right . I asked how many of the voters were Coeliac's they might not have voted for this to be scraped , although they have kept it on for children and pregnant mothers.  ok so I have had my rant!!!!!!

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