A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All about the bass

Believe it or not these are 3/4 sizes. Though they sort of count as full size as it is very rare apparently for someone to play a 4/4. So this is the fine workshop of Laurence who spends his days hidden away behind the trendy pubs and coffee shops of Clapham Old Town making and repairing double basses. It makes me quite happy to know he does so and not least as I will never have to go too far to get all things bass sorted for Anna.

The dash to collect the bass was the middle part in a quite exhausting day. Well actually the day itself was probably not the issue but a series of late nights with the boy and early mornings with the pup and not enough afternoon napping in between is beginning to take its toll. Especially as last night was late as one of the parents who is photographing the kids for the Year 6 Leavers' Book incredibly kindly made a late night home visit to catch Jackson during his awake period so he would be included. Usually when I am doing the early puppy shift I go to bed early but it was worth staying up last night to see Jackson laughing and enjoying the shoot with Caryn.

Work this morning and a webinar I would say I got over the net but would win no prizes for form or grace. Followed by the double bass dash, back to move Anna between netball and yet more drama rehearsals - their Oliver show is one week away - via the medium of walking an only 50% compliant puppy (can someone please tell her dogs go for walks, it's what they do) and home to crash on the sofa and sleep until Anna came home.

There has been dinner and an oddly satisfying half hour cleaning out the bathroom cabinet. And now sleep beckons again as there is a potentially insane plan afoot which involves me getting up at something with the 4 in the title.

Anyway, back to the basses - aren't they cool?

Lesley x

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