Mystery parcel!

Hmmm, what could this mystery parcel be? I guess I better get used to these arriving in the post!

I have decided I need a minder this week. Yesterday I abandoned my scarf somewhere on campus - didn't realise until I was getting ready to leave at the end of the day so I could have left it anywhere. At least it may find its way back to me at some point given it is green and moustachioed so not easy to miss!

Today, I topped that by wearing odd shoes to work. I noticed just as I got out of the car when we arrived at work. They were at least the same colour and a similar style (except one is from the pair I use for stepping around the house so I have worn a hole in the side of it). No-one seemed to mention it so I got away with being even more batty than usual!

I have a few more days this week to redeem myself!

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