There and back again

By Mikes

The end of an era

On the 22nd February 1972 I had finished my probation period if deepest Cornwall and I was posted to this little Police Station on the eastern edge of my force area and at that time we could have expected to repeat this every three years or so. It was a two day move and my wife and two daughters arrived to find the removal men with the kettle boiled and a fire burning in the grate. The stationed was manned by 9 PC.s and two Sargent's and by working shifts we covered the surrounding area 24 hours a day X 7 days a week It was the sort of place where my kids would pop in the back door on their way home from school and shout out "Hello Dad". At Christmas we took over the magistrates court and had a party for the children with Father Christmas arriving in a police car with the Traffic Warden dressed as Santa.
Well today all that has passed into history when this little station was finally closed down. The place lays silent, that chatter of the force radio that was always on will be gone and a period of the history of our force has ended.  Policing is always changing but I think that I was lucky to be working there at a good time.
Of all my colleagues from that time I am the only one left as way back we bought one of the houses from the Police Authority and still live here very happily but now we wait to see what they intend to do with the station ! Houses we all bet but while it is still here I will look at it fondly at it as I pass and remember good times.

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