
By Cigs

Inverleith Row

Seen previously at the Meadows in early autumn.

Fast forward to midsummer and we have another sighting!

After a long day which was hard in a lot of ways, (details of the boring stuff are elsewhere) I finally put down the brush having applied Urbanite to the chimney breast wall and wiped a grubby mitt over my sweaty brow.

So at nearly 11, I headed home in a daze; ready to slump and slumber when I got in.

But suddenly the Cigsdar kicked in as I trundled down Inverleith Row at this. Even without seeing the Cigs which faces the Botanics' offices, I knew.... (Previously I had a half hearted pen Cigs on a grit bin on the cycle path in Trinity on the way back from the lawyer's)

Long exposure set, Cigs mobile judiciously abandoned in shot and here we are. Still purple infill with black outline still dated 2013. Just in a leafy non Cigs part of town.

Still yawning today and a second coat to do tonight as well as producing a wee spaghetti alle vongole to go with the rice pudding reprise.

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