
By Appreciation

Up early for a Meet in the city centre.  These visitors were from Japan and only the young daughter spoke English.  The family had many questions; how could they get to St Andrews, Glasgow, Loch Ness?  How should they travel?  Where was the Supermarket?  All in broken English and hand signals.  It was a test of my charades ability for sure.  Each time the daughter relayed the information to her mother who shouted back at her to ask me more.  The girl was just at the age of being self conscious and shy.  She wanted to curl up into a ball, yet her mother continued to shout at her.  Her father pointed his camera out the window and snapped happily.  I wanted to tell him to stop his wife from asking questions and to get outside and see and do for themselves, but that was too many syllables.

They are here for 3 days, with no plan or map.  I wish them success!!!!!

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