
By Madchickenwoman

Scent synapse

                          "You are your synapses. They are who you are."
                                 Joseph LeDoux, 2002 (in Synaptic Self)

The delicious scent from the freesias are sending transmissions across the synapses of the glass heads brain in a delightfully stimulating and illuminating way!!

An extremely slow day as unbelievably tired- woke late, fed animals and showered and rushed to hairdresser. Interesting conversation about hairdressers love life - when dining out with friends his partner jabbed him in the stomach saying to the waitrose "look at that fat" when she came to take their order! Considering he works out and has a sculpted body this was factually incorrect before we even go into its other glaring inappropriateness. He did not stand for it and told him this and has been keeping a distance since. 
Once home I collected portly  Lucy and took her for a walk, bumping into Camera Man on the way to tend his wife's grave in the woods. Apparently the phallus on his Voodoo Lily has dramatically drooped today so I was lucky to catch it yesterday! I know, an unfortunate and appalling double entendre but factually true!
Once home I repositioned the freesia and glass head to take this shot again! I had taken it yesterday as I loved the shadows the freesia cast, but then never got to blip it! Being mindful of post one image of the day, knowing I would feel I had cheated if I used yesterdays, I set it up again, then had to wait for the sun to stop playing peep po with the clouds! Once done I ate and went to bed! I couldn't understand why today I should have felt so tired, my body almost aches with it,  in my eyes I had done nothing strenuous the previous day, but I guess pottering and doing a "photoshoot" was strenuous enough. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more energised and my synapses will be tingling in a good way!

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