The cause of my problem.

This is the wasps nest, found it today, after I had been stung again. They had built it under the stems of one of my succulents, and I went to move the plant pot not realising there was a nest. Out came the spray, and the nest is no more.

Imagination is needed now. Our german neighbour, who come out infrequently bought a new tv dish and installed it himself. However when it came to tuning in the tv, he didn't do it in the normal way, he took the tv and the digibox onto his top verandah, perched them on the dividing wall between him and the neighbour, climbed onto his roof with the remote in hand and proceeded to tune in the tv. When it was tuned to his satisfaction he took everything indoors, however, he dropped the digibox, so me thinks he might need to buy a new one.

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