Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs


So, I still have something I want to talk about, but I'm still trying to figure out how to go about it, so I'm gonna hold off on it for a while.

Anyways. Today we went to Petsmart and stocked up on canned food for Nova. They didn't have a few things we were looking for, but said they should be back in stock on Wednesday or Friday. Got a new probiotic for Nova to try, because Simply Nourish seems to have discontinued their probiotic and that's the one Nova really loved. His new probiotic smells awful, but he ate it without a fuss, so...

While we were at Petsmart, there was a child throwing a huge temper tantrum that you could hear loudly throughout the entire store. It really didn't help with my awful headache.

On the way home from Petsmart, we stopped by Albertsons and picked up some of those amazing Screamin' Sicilian pizzas we love. There was a group of five really obnoxious teenagers with a middle-aged woman. The teenagers were wandering around the checkouts but staying nearby to her. They were obstructing people's ways and most people didn't even want to walk near them, and were going down one aisle, then coming back up a few aisles away to one of the checkouts the kids weren't at. Despite the fact that the woman wasn't scolding them, she looked rather embarrassed to be with them, and it looked as though she had been trying to get them to behave but had just stopped wasting her breath.

At the checkout, when I bent down to put my hand basket under the overhang of the conveyer belt. There was a basket that'd been dropped next to the pile and simply left there, so I righted up, put the handles down, and added it to the stack, nice and neatly.

Then one of the teenagers addressed me:

Her: "Why'd you do that?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Her: "Why'd you put it away? It wasn't your basket."
Me: "Be...cause I did?"
Her: "But why?"
Me: "Because it didn't take any effort and it was the right thing to do."
Her Mother: "That is how I raised you to be. I don't know what the fuck happened!" (She even waved her hands in exasperation while saying the first sentence.)

All of the teenagers suddenly looked mortified. They all shut the hell up, stopped meandering into other people's way, and stood calmly around the woman they were there with. They looked like they'd swallowed an excruciatingly huge lump of humiliation.

At home, I'm taking stuff inside the house. While picking up a few things that had spilled on the floorboard of the truck, seemingly out of nowhere, this key appears. It's a Honda key. Our last vehicle had been a Honda Fit, but this is most certainly not a key to it, as that was a much newer vehicle and the remotes for the locks and alarm were built into the keys for our Fit.

No, this looks like it belongs to an old Honda Civic, most likely an early-to-mid 90s model.

Our truck gave me a Honda key. Our Dodge pickup truck gave me a Honda key.




Hope you all are doing well. Take care. Love you all.

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