"Sing Like No One's Listening ...

...love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth."

( Mark Twain)

Found another retro cake shop today and love the sign in the corner.

After retro treats this morning, this evening will be no better in the healthy stakes. It will be a hard training session of Laying on The Couch ( it is Question Time after all ) and I have 85% cocoa chocolate and a fine bottle of Malbec to accompany me. Oh yes, and somehow the book Fifty Shades of Grey fell into my shopping basket today which needs to be read tonight aswell. I hear it's absolute filth and therefore as loyal friends to you all I consider it my duty to read it thoroughly to ensure I can critique it before writing a strongly worded letter to my MP to get it censored and OFF the shelves... I shall protect you all from this evil. It's a tough job I know but somebody has to do it.

So that's sloth, greed and lust in one fell swoop this evening, really must try harder with these deadly sins.

Your Faithful Blipster

Mary Whitehouse

Down with this filth


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