...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Dew Drop...

Monday Monday...
Felt poorly this weekend. This morning was a struggle getting up and atom but I ended up feeling better today than did before. That was good. I can't predict any of this. Anyway, the doctor has the results but it 4:30. I doubt I will hear anything at this point. I called twice. Don't thing the receptionist was interested in hearing it was me again. Oh well...that is her job and I was polite. She really wasn't. Lousy Monday I guess. Hubby said...if it is bad news they would have called. I would have to agree. So I am still going with the vitamin deficient theory. On a multi- vitamin and extra B12.

One day at a time! Eating relatively healthy! No gluten. More veggies. Thinking positive! Focusing on grateful!

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