Farewell, Queen of the Night

In the next few days, we shall be saying farewell to my favourite tulip.  It will become a constant in my garden.  It was battered by last weeks storms and although there is some beauty there, it is time to move on.

I am facing a hanging basket crisis.  We ordered online.  One of those very special offers which could not be refused.  The plants duly arrived.  On the first day of our London holiday.  The postman, bless him, noted the writing in block capitals - 'LIVE PLANTS', it shouted.  So he put them in the greenhouse where they remained until our return.

When we came back to retrieve the plants, they were gasping for water and well cooked.  I potted them up and they are coming along well though not yet fit for hanging baskets.  A decision will have to be made.  No wonder I can't sleep at night.

There would seem to be a commercial opportunity for someone to deliver plants AND pot them up on arrival.  Please feel free to take this idea forward.

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