The Merry Milker

We drove home from the wedding today. It rained most of the way, and was pretty dreary...making for a long ride.

Merrick watched a video on his portable DVD until lunch, then took a nice long nap. He shows flashes of getting better, but I still don't think he feels good.

He wouldn't get out of the car at Williams Cheese Shop, so his daddy Doug was forced to be my model. He was really working those udders...I think you could say that he was ticklin the teats.

Years ago, Lisa and I stopped at this shop, and I sampled every cheese they had to offer, AND took seconds on the ones I liked. Weeks later, we went in again, and were greeted by this sign...PLEASE SAMPLE RESPONSIBLY. I still don't know if I was the one that caused therm to put up the signage. ;0)

The destination wedding is over, and I think everyone that went is beat to a frazzle. All in all, a very wonderful weekend.

Will catch up tomorrow, and maybe post some weekend pictures.

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