Texann Times

By Texann

The Paparazzi

Getting my own back on the paparazzi today.  Caught these two as they got set up in a carpark to capture some unsuspecting celebrities (or suspecting blippers).  And in true paparazzi style, if you don’t happen to have your tripod with you, use your wife’s floral handbag!   

With Aliscotia and Longshadow visiting me from the UK, we arranged a blipmeet with TrudieK and eQuality over brunch today.  They hadn’t met before so it was lovely for all of us to get to know each other better.  They have all blipped our carpark photoshoot already, so this is my one to add to the collection (wasn’t as good quality as I’d have liked, so decided to try to adapt it to look like a newspaper photo). 

Lovely day out.

Here are the other's shots from almost every other angle:

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