The Wren

By TheWren

Bowed but not broken

A very damp walk again which the dogs loved. The hills were completely covered by the low mist and everything was sodden. While the rascally pair were scampering about however, I was delighted to notice this small group of bluebells tucked in amongst the wet grasses. I thought the bluebells would have been past by now but this clump is hanging in there despite being sodden today. I particularly liked this spray with head bowed, rain droplets weighing heavy on the stalk, tucking in closely to the grasses for some shelter. In case you were wondering, I did get rather wet knees whilst taking this shot!

I managed to get through the night without having to resort to taking pain killers so am feeling a bit chirpier. I do hate this feeling of being drugged, although I know it is necessary just now, but it is good to feel today that I too am only momentarily bowed! I have so much respect for those who have to live with pain killers or other medication on a permanent basis.

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