Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Clip Clop

Today was definitely a change. 

Where I live there was some horse trails and so being a good sport I went and my dad was all like 'there's a competition y'know'. But honestly, I suck at moving things like cars and running animals. I like to take photos of things that are still. But non the less, I have this one. (the only one that isn't blury).

As well as that, this weekend I finished my current job and Lee came up from Manc which was lovely as always. Sometimes you forget that you only see your boyfriend every two weeks. Its kind of a bummer sometimes but oh well, c'est la vie. So anyways, me and Ol' Lee went to Beamish because he's never been so that was good. The weather was lovely so we sat on the grass a lot. I live in the country so I wasn't really bothered about all the nature but Lee lives in a city so he found it nice.

Diet is currently pants as today I ate 3 slice of pie and 3 plates of ganache. Well done.

Happy Blipping.

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