Great Weather For It

Watched this guy speeding out across the waves and back several times. As he approached the shore he shouted over to ask if I'd managed to get any pictures of him. He said the conditions were perfect as the wind was now heading onshore, so no danger of being blown out to sea, and although it was windy, it was warmer than it had been earlier. He said it was his first real outing of the summer, and quite possibly the fastest he'd ever been on the board. I got his email address and will send him a pic or two.
Earlier, our friend A dropped by to visit - first time she'd seen the flat. We then went out to the Espy for a leisurely late lunch. Once again, it felt like we hadn't been for a while and then within a couple of days, went there ourselves on Friday night and then back at the weekend with a visiting friend, just like we did when J came round.

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