Day by Day

By Christophi

Dischmatal - Dürrboden

Not surprisingly, the 80 plus sheep with bells outside our bedroom woke us up early morning (yes I roughly counted them because they all looked at me when I opened the window :-)

Sunny day with thunderstorms predicted only (if at all) late afternoon. So we set off to walk into the Dischmatal to Dürrboden and back. The valley is famous for its flowers in June. It is more than 10 km long and reaches an altitude of > 2000 m. The reward at the end of the Dischmatal at Dürrboden are always their delicious home made cakes and desserts - our favorites are the hearty "Cremeschnitten" (slices of cream cake). This time of the year, the alpine roses are supposed to bloom but haven't really started yet. We only saw a few of them but lot's of dark blue trumpet gentians.

6 hours, 30'000 steps and 200 floors later (the fitbit tracker is very very happy), we enjoy a well deserved portion of pasta and a Chianti Classico 2010 from Poggio il Sole, Davaz at home. Will drive down to Zurich sometime in the evening #enjoythesundaytothefull.

Good start into the new week!

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