A busy day today.
It started with a relatively early morning - I worked a 5 to midnight shift the previous day, and normally like to have a lie in, but I had to get up to fetch W from the airport. He normally uses a "one man" taxi service that he has supported for several years - he prefers to support small businesses. But G let him down on Monday - he forgot to come, and had his mobile phone switched off, so W had to get me out of bed at 4.30am to take him to the airport! G was massively apologetic, but is not yet forgiven. So I volunteered to do the run this morning - not so early, the plane gets in from Amsterdam at about 9.05am. We do now have the number of another local chap - so we might see if he would like the business.
Then, whilst W slept (he had almost no sleep all the way from Houston) I cleared the contents of the top drawer of the old filing cabinet, filling the new one, whilst throwing out many papers. There are 2 drawers left to empty, all W's stuff.
I then had to work a 2 till 10 shift. But now I'm on leave for a week, a week to spend at home clearing the warehouse, so that we can have it painted next week.
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