
Not him, obviously.

Not me either, I hope.

The book. Finished it somewhere between Vilnius and Brussels. A great read. Humour as well as the inside track on what was really going on (as opposed to what the media trotted out).

Henry McLeish (former FM) and Gordon Brown (former PM) feature. I'm lucky enough to have met them both such as to be able to form a personal judgement (minus any media projection). I can put Alex Salmond's comments about them into my own context, and then make a wee assessment of my own about Alex Salmond.

I look forward to meeting him.

By one of life's strange coincidences, when I was running the project for the Latvian Ministry of Finance (which took me to Riga all those years ago - see Tuesday's Blip) Gordon Brown was very helpful to me at the time just after he'd become Chancellor.  

I have no more time for him than Alex Salmond does, but credit where credit's due.

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