Here puss, puss, puss
Was taking a wander around St Andrews this afternoon and came across this fine chap: Hamish MacHamish. I had heard a little bit about him but I didn't know he had his own statue. A little Googling revealed that it seems to have been unveiled over a year ago. Shows you how blinkered I must be when on my charity shop circuit.
My charity shop circuit is an established tradition now and I have a set route I follow, though I can do it clockwise or anti-clockwise. Today was a good day for purchases. I finally got my egg cup collection started with a beautiful blue and white clay one spotted in the Sue Ryder shop behind Hamish's statue. When I did the Open Studios visits a few weeks ago with Jean and Faith, we visited an artist's house and there was a wooden shelf unit in one room which had a large collection of eggcups displayed on it. Jean and I both loved it. I've been looking out for eggcups ever since but haven't seen any until today. I had to buy them as a pair (£2.25) so I'm going to give one to Jean and she can decided whether or not she also wants to pursue a collection herself. I also got a glass bottle in the shape of the Eiffel Tower (£2), and a pretty necklace of striped blue semi-precious stone (can't remember price but it was around £3).
Back to Hamish though. For those who don't know, Hamish is the honorary town cat and apparently can often be seen strolling around the streets here. Residents raised the money to have this bronze of him made. I took a close up of his face as I didn't like the fact that if I'd taken a shot of his full head it would have had distracting shop front things behind him. I don't do Photoshop or similar and unaesthetic background stuff really irritates me these days. Hmmm, perhaps I really ought to learn how to edit my photos then!
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