Superb Day

Clare met me at work where we took advantage of the company's 25% for the first time.
Lunch was a pasty outside sitting on the wall in the sunshine where we met Melanie, once a FB friend, now a friend - good to meet up and catch up - just wish it could have been under different circumstances.
After work we walked down town to celebrate Clare's Birthday. The photograph on the left was taken on the walk down, apparently the shortening of Clare's legs, making her look 'Hobbit' like is because the picture was taken down hill with me holding my phone at an angle. It caused gales of laughter between the four of us during the meal, so much fun!!
Dinner at the Palacio Lounge was a delight before returning home to chocolate caterpillar cake.
It was a great family day, I hope Clare enjoyed her birthday as much as we did.

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