Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Another blipmeet

There was a leak at the cottage this morning: only a minor one from the shower, but the builder had to be summoned. That did not stop Kendall, Sue and I sallying forth to Danby to the Dales Centre.

We saw a wonderful exhibition by printmakers from 4 countries: England, Scotland, Finland and Sweden. The same exhibition is showing in galleries in all the countries simultaneously. The work was multilayered, sometimes obscure, sometimes absorbing and fascinating.

We drove back through pretty Dales villages and the Americans and I were entranced.

We were back in time for the first blipper to arrive today, CarolineJay, followed by Veronica, 8, Paula J, High Pike and Whisky Foxtrot.

Here we are on the front at Staites. 8's partner took this photo and I have  broken my rule that I must press the trigger because this group picture is much better than the one I took. (Mine looks like I was trying to herd cats!) High Pike has disappeared and we are joined by Folkiebooknerd and Spokes, as well as Kenallishere and Bluheron in this image. I wonder what they will all post?

My extras today are:
the tearoom which we nearly took over later on. There was much hilarity which seems to have been enjoyed by other tea drinkers and the staff; two children enjoying the beach at low tide in the harbour..

Home, after a delightful 24 hours. Good luck to Kendall and Sue as they travel south to London for the last phase of their UK holiday.

PS I have added an extra picture to last night's blip if you are interested.

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