A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Today has felt a bit hard so I've mainly sat in the sun in the garden and tried to absorb myself in other stuff. I don't know if it's the lack of work / school distractions, or the lack of doing the things we used to at the weekends but I don't seem to have coped as well today. Well, I kind of have but through the medium of engrossing myself in other stuff so not sure if that counts.

In the interests of balance:
- had a good chat (and a bit of a cry) with Anna about how all this is for her
- finally tidied my room and, my mother would be proud of me, not just by filling the wash basket
- Anna has made toad in the hole for dinner
- I've finished my book (The Confabulist by Steven Galloway - fictional take on the life of Houdini - as intriguing and enigmatic as you would expect and thoroughly enjoyable)
- Carlos is on a plane and will be here in less than 3 hours

Lesley x

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