Good Shepherd

A day characterised, to some extent, by the vagaries of teenage gig-going. Much faffing about in the morning to secure precious tickets to see the 1975 after the job had previously been entrusted to ‘someone’s sister’ and ‘someone’s dad’ - neither of whom seemed to have been briefed quite sufficiently on the paramount importance of the operation – followed by a transportation job in the evening to take Katie and her mate to see 5SOS (if you don’t know, don’t even ask…) at the NIA in Birmingham.  So Beck and I had a pleasant stroll along the canal and dinner at Zizzi’s and the gig finished nice and promptly at 10 o’clock, but it took us an hour and half to get out of the car park and another hour to get out of Birmingham (most of the city seemed to be dug up for one reason or another and half the roads were closed.) Plus, by the time I got to the other thing Nottingham and Leicester were all sold out, so now we’ve got another adventure to look forward to in October (this time to Doncaster…) I’ll not inflict my murky shot of the sunset over the canalside flats of Brum on you – here’s something slightly more edifying that I prepared earlier…

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