splf...my story

By uknowme

Mundy Takes One For The Kids

"Jump Rope For Heart" raises money for the American Heart Association. And Matt Mundy, Anna's PE teacher, takes the entire event VERY seriously. He spends the entire month prior building up, encouraging cardio and motivating kids to solicit sponsors.

Anna takes the challenge. Since 2010 she's been the top school fundraiser, this year bringing in $833. Three year total for her? More than $1400!!!! All for "Uncle" Bob Brandon, who died of a heart attack in 2009.

Matt always takes one for the team. This year for ever $100 raised kids got 10 feet of duct tape. The goal? Stick Mundy to the wall!!! Yes, Anna DID get 80 feet!!!! And Mundy stuck for MAAAYBEEEE 3 seconds. All in all, another fun reminder of Cottonwood and the importance of making a difference in the world. Thanks Mundy for your spirit...thanks Anna for you!!!!

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