Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Baby Bat!

Things were, as they always are, very interesting and fun at The Wildlife Center of Virginia this morning, but shortly before my volunteer gig ended everything took a batty turn. First there was a baby bat - in today's blip - that was brought in [A colony of them evicted from a house??? Something like that]. The dime in the photo was hopefully for some scale ~ for those of you unfamiliar with the dime, its diameter is 1.7 cm. Anyway - the baby bat was absolutely adorable and there was an enormous amount of picture taking and squealing going on (the humans were squealing, not the bat). He (he is a he) weighed 2.7 grams.

And then! Another bat. This one an adult female, who appeared either to be very pregnant or have some disastrous growth in her abdomen. An x-ray revealed the answer! See the extra photo.

*I have now googled to see about bat pregnancies! I'm assuming Mama is a Big Brown Bat - if so, Google says this: 
In the eastern United States, twins are commonly born sometime in June; in western North America, females give birth to only one pup each year.

So - here in Virginia - twins are the rule, rather than the exception!

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