Today's Rain is Tomorrow's Whisky...
Another day that looks and feels more like November than June. Will summer ever come?
Got rained on as we walked from the car park to Alan's Gastro appointment at PRI Outpatients this morning. This meant that by the time we got in, my carefully straightened hair looked like this. Lovely.
All went well at the appointment. Saw a very nice lady doctor (blonde hair so Alan was at his most charming) and she was happy that his ulcerative colitis seems to be well under control at the moment.
She did agree with us that further investigation into gastrostomy feeding as a way to top up his calorie intake and allow him to have vitamin, mineral and iron supplements, would be a good idea and has referred us to the gastro nurses who assess for this. She also arranged for full bloods to be taken today so that the nurses will know exactly what his iron levels are. We will wait to hear from them now but I am relieved that the first step has been taken.
David is working from home this afternoon and I am doing my best not to annoy him but it's difficult when he's sitting at the desk next to me and I have important questions for him such as "Shall we do this Facebook quiz to see which Disney Princess you are?" :-))))
All work and no play and all that!
Happy Friday Peeps xx
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