
By ausmossie

Bai Jiu (buy jee-oh)

If you follow my journal you will know I was out for my favourite dinner (shui zhu rou pianr - _shoe=ay jew row pee-are) blipped last Thursday. While I was in the restaurant I noticed their 'bottle' of bai jiu (literal translation is white wine). It is crazy alcoholic fire water. I wanted to take a pic so I did. Inside there is a snake (yep a real snake) and some leaves and some red beans and prolly some other stuff too. It lokos REALLLLLY nasty.

And.. before you ask.. and because I knew you WOUD ask.. It actually tasted pretty good.. Usually I keep away from the stuff cause it can get pretty nasty but I had to try THIS one so I could inform you of the taste. What a dedicated little blipper I am.. hehehehe.

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