my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

See You Next Wednesday

Up with the girls early then work meant...Baby day, street party and then movie night at the library.

Watched Chronicle - I enjoyed it...narcissism theme? Blogging dissed as self validation? HELLOOOOOO. I hear you!

Not the easiest film audience, I'm trying to reach some *really* hard to reach kids, popcorn was thrown, Pringles were flung, profanities were many and shocking (even for me)


There were a couple of bits of the film where 14 kids sat quietly and watched engrossed. Those precious movements when you think 'This is it..we're getting somewhere'

I had a bit of a cry on the way home...luckily in the rain.

I *really* tried to do it for the kids.

Because I was asked after the kids left "So, Kate...what lesson have you learnt tonight?"

Apparently, MY lesson was not to try to reach the disruptive kids. Only put decent stuff on for the good kids.

I've never been so mortified. Or disappointed.

Gutted. Doesn't cover it.

But you know? There were some challenging kids... but equally over half the teens sat quietly and watched the film.

I am going to keep that in mind


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