
By FlyingPRGal

The story in the window

I spotted this seamstress boutique today, located at the top of the road near the office of my new PR job. The colourful threads and accessories caught my eye as well as the Singer sewing machine just like mum's old one she gave me.

I'm loving the new PR job and have had my head stuck in research, media planning and meetings today. The team are super friendly, professional yet energetic and I'm sure I'll be happy there.

Struggling to keep my eyes open tonight after a meek 3.5 hours sleep with a late arrival back home from the charity event last night and early drive down to the office this morning.

Tomorrow is a day finishing off project work for my London PR client before completing the contract and the chance for me to focus 100% on the new role. Packing in the morning and evening reception at the Castle before travel up to Northamptonshire will make for a busy day.

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