Little Miss Tbay Jnr 10 weeks old.

We had supper with Mrs Tbay Jnr tonight as Mr Tbay Jnr is still out with the silaging team. We had an indoor BBQ due to the fact the gas ran out half way through cooking! Little Miss amused us all with little smiles and lots of gurgles and then hiccups!

VAT today which I have almost finished. Phew. Picked up Pip from the vets at 2:00 this afternoon. She is one very sorry little dog. She is quite wobble and looks so sad. Let's hope that the morning brings a happier little dog. No really nasty damage just bad bruising and several puncture wounds. :-(

Mr Tbay up early to do the first shift of silaging. He was home by lunch time. After lunch it was mowing again!!

Farming - One on compost hauling. The silage team were out today and as I write this still are. It will be a very late one tonight as the crop is extremely heavy so progress is not quite so fast as usual. Mr Tbay went and got Fish and Chips for their supper to keep them going!

Lovely weather today. Shame I was in an office!! Hope tomorrow is as nice as we are off to a wedding!

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