Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A trip to Arnside

I've been wanting to go to Gaits Barrow nature reserve nr Arnside for quite a while.  The weather forecast for today was good, so off we went.  Stopped at Arniside first for a walk with Misty and then had a sandwich in the car before looking for the nature reserve.  Well I think it must be well hidden and off the beaten track as I couldn't find it!  I should have had a proper map with me not rely on what I printed out from the web.   Nobody else seemed to know exactly where it was either.  So I gave up looking and went to Silverdale for another walk which Misty loved as she had playtime in the water with three other collies which was wonderful to watch.   I've put a few others on flikr including Misty playing with the other collies.

Watched the sun go down with Misty on the marsh this evening, back home just before 10 and still quite light!

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