A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Watch dog

I know I should find another blip subject. And when I can get out more I promise I will. But today was significant mainly for Carlos leaving for Istanbul for a few days (work) and it amused me that almost as soon as he did Albi leaped to keep his chair warm for him. Kind huh? It's his own fault for relaxing the furniture rules. Still not sure I'm happy about it but I am being loudly and cutely outnumbered.

Spent most of the day helping J who has had a very hard but hopefully good day. As usual we go to bed with no idea what the night or morning will bring but with fingers crossed and hope in our hearts. Did have a good Dr appointment and I think they are going to make a referral to a children's sleep centre.

My alternative picture for today was Anna with her nose in a book. We had half an hour in a cafe in between her netball and drama classes. Very brief blurt of her day but really all she wanted to do was finish her book as she only had 5 pages left. Was a little surprised when she told me the main character had just died but she was taking it in her stride - cried in her head apparently. Good old Jaqueline Wilson telling it as it is. Made me wonder if she is the modern Judy Blume which got me excited that perhaps Anna may be the right age to start reading JB now. And I can re-read alongside.

Lesley x

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