
Two test doors ...our kitchen units pre-date us so we think they are about 10-12 yrs old. On a number of the doors, th laminate coating has cracked or come unstuck. So, Corin stripped two of them back to the MDF and has painted them as testers. We are going with the red, as the blue would be too dark. The red definitely works against our sparkly black stone work surfaces.

Clever Corin.

So, it appears that I have to fight again to get myself heard. I have had awful acid reflux for nearly a fortnight now. Those of you who know my long and troubled saga will recall that a cock up by a previous GP whereby stomach coating drugs were not prescribed to protect me against the effects of long term use of NSAIDs and as a result, I developed horrible reflux.

I came off the NSAIDs, was treated with omeprazole for a month and all was well.

I have been taking amytriptyline for a few months now to try to manage the ongoing pain. Its effectiveness is decreasing and that is one of the reasons that I have been referred to pain clinic.

However, having struggled with the reflux for the past two weeks, I tried to make a GP appointment this morning...earliest is two weeks hence...apparently I am non-urgent.

Having vented my spleen at work and elsewhere, a few friends have advised and as a result, I was able to speak to a pharmacist and purchase omeprazole over the counter. Enough for two weeks. I have also found out that long term use of amytriptyline can (wait for it) cause problems with the muscle at the lower end of the oesophagus to relax, allowing reflux to occur.

It seems therefore that I probably should have been prescribed omeprazole when I started the other meds in November.

I do wonder how much secondary damage my body has developed because of all of the missed / inappropriate decisions.

So, I will mention all of this at pain clinic, then when I do see my GP I will express my dismay.

Right now, it looks like Farleys rusks and peppermint tea are the only safe options for food ...

Just like ten years ago !!!

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