
By Madchickenwoman

River Walk

Couldn't believe how high the grasses and flowers  have grown since I last walked Portly along the river path. It was bliss, nothing but the sound of the reeds rustling in the breeze, birds singing and sheep bleating, plus Lucy panting! Not many people out in the village, a few parents setting up a picnic lunch on the wooden  tables on the green, children from playgroup playing in small patio outside the village hall, sounds of the children from the school rushing out for playtime with lots of squeals and screaming! I still feel like an outsider looking in on peoples daily activities, they are following their usual daily rhythms, and I still have not discovered my own even though I am in my tenth month of not working! With friend and then the shingles I have no routines or rhythms apart from the duties of the chicken rota and my pets feeding times! So I  feel set apart, but it's certainly not a bad feeling. I do wonder what else lies ahead of me so this notion of a "normal" life may forever allude me! Plus ca change! Is that what makes life worth living / interesting? It seems to happen whether one wants it to or not! I wonder how many of my life changes have been because I wanted them, or because they were forced upon me, making me take decisions because I didn't like or was reacting to the changes that occurred  and were beyond my control to stop. Chicken and egg I guess, which came first,  the change or the decision to change? Does the fact I simply didn't go along with changes mean I made the changes?!!!! Change begets change! I bet some philosopher has already ruminated far better on all this and has more coherent thoughts! In fact the term determinism comes to mind .......just done an internet search and it seems this should " Not  be confused with Fatalism, Predeterminism, Predictability, or Theological determinism" Oh,  and what about Freewill? Think I  need a drink!!!!!!

Oooh! Not said this in a long time - more of the walk here - including cute lambs!!!

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