There ought to be a law against it

It was so undignified! 

We did go to the vet and I thought I would see my (sort of) friend Jane.  But no!  She wasn't even there.  And we had to wait the longest time even though she did have an appointment. 

Then this.... this.... person called Sarah, ripped me from her arms.  Yes she did.  It was positively a rip.  And took me away.  Then they did hold me down, and took off my old bandage, and put this thing on me.  Then, this Sarah person told HER, "well, Mish won't get this off in a hurry"  I mean, the cheek of it all.

After all that I was so exhausted, I just collapsed on the floor, and felt sorry for myself.  Didn't last long though - peace was shattered within about 5 minutes.

In other news, this Blip is late on account of she was judging Walking Wombat's MayMacroMayhem yesterday.  It's funny - you should see her eyes.  They are all red and swirly. 

And then she had to go to, not one but two, meetings last night.  So Blips did not get done, and we jointly apologise for that.

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