
By Louwestphoto

I have the best friends.

We had a bit of a scare with Dude this morning. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but think he may have had a minor stroke... he had been outside and had just come back in, was lying on the floor and his head began to drop to one side, his eyes were really wide and not focusing on anything and he let out a yowl... it lasted about 6 seconds. Dan was still here, so I instructed him to stay with him, whilst I dashed upstairs to put some clothes on to rush him to the vets. 

However, when I came downstairs, he was fine. Absolutely fine. In fact, he wandered into the kitchen to eat his breakfast. He has been fine all day since too... he bounded up the stairs earlier. We are back at the vets in the morning, so I will speak to him about it, although I don't think there will be much he can do. It really is torture, knowing that it's simply a matter of time and waiting for the end. 

We are, however, trying to enjoy the time we have left with him and he is making that easy... he is as cute as ever, but has also got pretty comical of late. He made me cry with laughter last night... dan was just falling asleep and I was reading. Dude jumped on the bed and was somewhat frantic to get to Dan's pillow. I thought he wanted to see him, but it turns out he was simply trying to get to the glass of water on Dan's bedside table (a side effect of his medication is an insatiable thirst). He stuck his head in and began lapping it up! I'm guessing it's not the first time he has done it, so it's likely Dan has been sharing water with the cat!

Our friend took us out for tea tonight to Prashad. It was amazing, although I ate too much and am very full now. 

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