Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

The 7.30 Riddle

When does 2 years equal 2 years, 10 months and seven days?

a) when your wife asks you to do something and gives you a two year deadline to complete it?
b) when you are watching paint dry?, or
c) when the years in question are Blip years?

Yes, the correct answer is 'c'. Today is my 2nd 'Blip birthday'. Except it isn't. This is my 730th Blip, but I actually posted my first Blip on 26th July 2012 (and backdated four others so my earliest Blip was dated 8th July 2012). I found out about Blip when sitting outside a bar in Greece and the chap sitting at the next table took this photo and said it would do for his Blip that day. At first I didn't post every day but I haven't missed a day since 18th December 2013. There have been many days when I have totally lacked inspiration (as I know there has been for others too) and probably too many emergency Blips but I still enjoy the challenge of coming up with something every day, even if it isn't that good. I've made 'online' friends amongst Blippers and met several great people on Blipmeets. I shall continue to post every day although I won't beat myself up if something happens and I miss a day some time.

Blipfoto has some annoying habits, like not renewing the safety certificate so your browser won't go to it without help, and sometimes saying I'm not uploading a JPEG when I am! There have been worries about the future of Blipfoto and like many others I started a parallel journal on 365 Project, although once Blip settled down I didn't continue with that. However, if anything untoward happens and Blip suddenly disappeared, you'll find me there.

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