A Mystery ...

This bizarre photograph was sent to me by one of my cousins (my Great Uncle Jack's daughter, Kathe).  She recently discovered it amongst her possessions, and has no idea how she came to have it.  It shows my father (seated, looking rather sullen) and his older brother John, dressed in Civil War garb, with the words "Effects of the Union Bombardment, Fort Fisher 1864 USA B57-2" written in my father's hand at the lower right corner.  

Judging from their youth, I am guessing this picture was taken some time in the early 1940's just before the start of WWII, when they were living in Sharon, Connecticut.  My grandfather was quite a camera buff, and I suspect he was the one taking this shot, but why I don't know!  

It's an interesting conundrum, and an unusual image of their great grandfather to preserve for Jackson, Elliott and Nora.

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