One day at a time...

By JonRayner


Well, this time last year, I embarked on a 'journey' - 365, a photo a day for a year.  At the time, i honestly did not think I would manage it.  I honestly did not think I would manage to get a photo a day without missing a single day.  However here I am at #365.  I am really pleased with myself! ;)

Blipfoto has become part of not only my life, but my family too.  Even the kids ask at the end of the day what was your blip for the day.  Fran often comes home to tell me about a good blip she has spotted.  Many of my family are now also regular blippers.

It has now become a habit, so that forgetting to take a shot is not as easy to do, which I am very grateful for, as I do not wish to stop.  I now have my sights on #500, then #730, then #1000 and so on!

I would like to say a massive thank you to all who have contributed to my journal in the form of stars, hearts, comments and just general viewing.  Although I do not always comment or interact as much as I would like, I thoroughly enjoy viewing everyone's journal.  This community is very special, much more so than others that I have tried.  I thoroughly look forward to the next year ahead :)

Well, enough sentiments.  Although my shot today is nothing fantastic, it does some up the year and the future with a shot of my Blipfoto pin, which has a permanent place on my coat lapel.

I do like the fact, that much the same as the word Hoover, Blipping; .....a Blip, to Blip, my Blip, Blip of the day, today's Blip,...... seems to have become a household name to those in the know!

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