KL Tower at night
After a nice long sleep we wake up feeling much better. Accommodation in KL is expensive and last time we.stayed in a hostel which wasn't very nice. We got this hotel on a deal online and its much better. We need to stay an extra night and the girl on reception says it will be fine. We just need to check in again after checking out tomorrow.
First stop is the post office to find out about sending the laptop home. They don't send electrical items but direct us to DHL in central market. The cheapest we could send it home for, without chargers (as we are still carrying two ... the one we brought with us from the UK which we thought had broken, and the replacement we bought in Thailand) is about 75 quid. We try another courier company and they only send to Malaysia or the Philippines. They say DHL is our only choice so we decide we'll just have to carry the bloody thing around for our last two months and take it home with us.
We then head to the market in China Town for some retail therapy. We need some bits and pieces and its cheap. Lots of haggling later, Andy has trainers, a vest and t-shirt and Fred a black corduroy cap.
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