
By pattons6

Peek a boo

Okay, I will let mummy put my baby sisters pictures up sometimes but just remember I was here first! I love my baby sister & smother her with kisses & cuddles through the day. I only get grumpy when mummy is feeding get & I can't play with her.

Today has been a busy day. My baby sister has reflux just like I had as a baby. This time round mummy is better at dealing with it ....most of the time. Mummy gets dressed in her proper clothes, not joggers etc, just before we leave. Today mummy had just got dressed & got Zara dressed, when Zara was very sick, all over herself, mummy & the couch. Quick change & we mad it out the door.

Mummy was volunteering today at the hospice. She had been told to give it up when she was pregnant due to the infection risk & the strain on her but now she has had my sister she is back & enjoyed it. My sister & I had fun with grandma while we waited for mummy.

Once we got home after a quick stop to get nappies for Zara I had a lovely tea before dinner, bath then bed. Zara on the other hand had lots of feeds due to bring sick earlier.

Zara is beginning to have more waking time. She loves sitting in her bouncy chair, the music & vibrations help her tummy too.

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