I wouldn't say we did much, today. Abi conducted her first epic lie-in, not waking up until eleven, although Dan trounced her quite comfortably, ambling down just before midday. 

I actually spent quite a bit of the day doing chores, including moving the surplus dining chairs down to the cellar, and sorting the piles of papers, books, and CDs that had, once again, accumulated on every flat surface and even some of the less traversed areas on the floor. Plus I made a huge chilli for me and Dan, and some macaroni cheese for Abi.

So, domestically, it was a pretty productive day and the icing on the cake was that the Minx called to say that she'd be able to come up for the evening. Thus we all had dinner together and then the Minx read her book (Iain M Banks' 'Inversions'), while I watched 'Big Hero Six' with Dan and Abi, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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