
By TBay

Flaming June!

Erghhhh! Well the forecasters were right. It is a tad windy out there tonight! So windy when the dogs went for their evening wee they nearly got blown away.

Today was shopping day as supplies had dwindled to very small amounts of every thing. Then it was more domestics in preparation for lunch guests tomorrow and more the day after.

Farming- Rusty and boys on compost hauling . But wet for anything else.

I have also engaged the services of Frank, a local gardener who is going to help me over the coming week to try and catch up. Phew!

Miss Tbay and other half came this evening to sort out the wedding guest list. It is done ! And everyone are still freinds! They phoned today to say that her dress is in and we now have to make an appointment for the first fitting!! Things are beginning to ramp up. Scary!

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