Worthing Rowing Club

I could probably manage joining a rowing club that did all its rowing nowhere near that big wet and cold sea. I read an article the other month how rowing machines were the best best best all round fitness workout you can do. As I still have to work up to my best tennis days again I got very excited about this as something that I can go sitting down without bothering my poorly ankle. One day soon I might actually even give it a go.....

In a similar vein, my plan for not taking my tummy in its current format on holiday has not been going well. I can lose weight v quickly, stay the same weight or put weight on gradually over time (am best at the last one). So, short, sharp measures are needed - juices, soup and salad only for the next seven days. It's actually very enjoyable in a "why the hell don't I do this more often it makes me feel fab way".

My mind is such a bloody stupid place, I tell you.

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