Daffs Snaps

By Daff

Suits you!!

I've avoided the town centre during all the Jubilee celebrations, but ventured in today to do a bit of shopping in Asdas - who were busy taking down the Jubilee bunting and replacing it with Olympic stuff!
Came back through the shopping centre to find this chap busy organizing a street party in the middle of the Mall! Apparently it had been well publicised and they were expecting 150 people at 1pm - but by 1.15 only 10 people were seated so I was persuaded to join in - I was rather hungry so the ham and cheese sandwiches went down well, followed by jam sandwiches and choc chip cookies, all washed down with fruit juice. They then had a Royal Quiz (which I won) and I came away with a Union Jack umbrella, two Jubilee china mugs and a couple of Union Jack keyring pens, and a handful of flags!
Not bad for a freebie!

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