
I spent Thursday in a training all day with two of my favorite it was great.  Interesting information on Trauma informed care.  I have been learning a lot lately about the long term affects of trauma, and how we can help folks be more successful.  As much as I enjoyed the training....lunch was my favorite, as I had a nice picnic outside with my friends.  

Picked up Sugar from dance, and headed on home.  The Hubby was still out to sea.  We had several chores to get done, and Sugar was such a help.  I took this shot of her helping with the dishes.  

We checked on Gizmo's babies...and is looking sort of grim.  There are 3 black babies, and 3 gray babies...but they do not look like they are thriving.  I"m not entirely sure mama is feeding them enough.  The nestbox might be too small, as she is a large rabbit.  I'm so worried.  The Hubby will be home tomorrow and he will help me make a bigger nestbox.  Hopefully a nestbox move won't stress the situation more.  

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